Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean - Joint ACP/AMT/GMD/HESS/NHESS/OS special issue
Special issue jointly organized between Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Geoscientific Model Development, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, and Ocean Science.
Call for papers
The Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX, www.hymex.org) programme is a 10-year concerted effort at the international level started in 2010 with the aims to advance the understanding of the water cycle, with emphasis on the predictability and evolution of high-impact weather events, as well as to evaluate social vulnerability to these extreme events. The special issue is jointly organized between the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ocean Science, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, and Geoscientific Model Development journals. It aims at gathering contributions to the areas of understanding, modelling, and predicting at various timescales and spatial scales of the Mediterranean water cycle and its related extreme events, including cyclones, heavy precipitation, flash floods and impacts, drought and water resources, strong winds, and dense water formation. The special issue is not limited to studies conducted within HyMeX: any multiscale or multidisciplinary approaches related to the Mediterranean water cycle are encouraged.
April 01, 2018 - December 31, 2021
Coordinator: Veronique Ducrocq (veronique.ducrocq at meteo.fr)
The manuscript processing follows the standard special issue procedure of the journal in which the manuscript is submitted. The individual papers are peer-reviewed and published as soon as they are available in regular issues; they are then labelled as part of the inter-journal special issue and linked electronically in a joint special issue web page (in addition to the regular chronological volume of each journal). See:
We remind you that any publication contributing to HyMeX or making use of HyMeX data should acknowledge the programme and supports accordingly with such sentences as:
This work is a contribution to the HyMeX programme through [project name] funded by [funding agencies].
Detailed information for submission per journal
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Guest Editors: H. Wernli*, G. T. Aronica, C. Barthlott*, D. Cimini*, V. Kotroni, E. Martin, M. Meier, R. Moussa, K. Schroeder, and V. Ducrocq
Submit your manuscript through the journal webpage form by selecting "Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean" SI and send an email to the SI coordinator to inform on your paper submission.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Guest Editors: D. Cimini*, G. T. Aronica, C. Barthlott*, V. Kotroni*, E. Martin, M. Meier, R. Moussa, K. Schroeder, H. Wernli*, and V. Ducrocq*
Submit your manuscript through the journal webpage form by selecting "Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean" SI and send an email to the SI coordinator to inform on your paper submission.
Geoscientific Model Development
Editors: GMD topical editors* | Coordinator: V. Ducrocq
If you intend to submit a paper, please contact the SI coordinator about the manuscript types and GMD recommendations.
When the paper is ready, submit your manuscript through the journal webpage form by selecting "Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean" SI and send an email to the SI coordinator to inform on your paper submission.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Guest Editors: R. Moussa*, A. Guadagnini*, G. T. Aronica*, C. Barthlott, D. Cimini, V. Kotroni, E. Martin*, M. Meier, K. Schroeder, H. Wernli, and V. Ducrocq
Submit your manuscript through the journal webpage form by selecting "Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean" SI and send an email to the SI coordinator to inform on your paper submission.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Guest Editors: V. Kotroni*, G. T. Aronica*, C. Barthlott*, D. Cimini*, E. Martin*, M. Meier*, R. Moussa*, K. Schroeder*, H. Wernli*, and V. Ducrocq*
Submit your manuscript through the journal webpage form by selecting "Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean" SI and send an email to the SI coordinator to inform on your paper submission.
Ocean Science
Guest Editors: M. Meier*, G. T. Aronica, C. Barthlott, D. Cimini, V. Kotroni, E. Martin, R. Moussa, K. Schroeder*, H. Wernli, and V. Ducrocq*
Submit your manuscript through the journal webpage form by selecting "Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean" SI and send an email to the SI coordinator to inform on your paper submission.
Names with * are for editors who will handle paper submissions for this journal.