  Working Groups

Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-arid Environment

Field Campaign

Campaign overview

The Field Campaign Overview publication is available here.

      This is the last field campaign of the HyMeX project, and is a core activity leading into HyMeX phase 2. The study domain for LIAISE is the Ebro basin in northeastern Spain, which is bound to the north by the Pyrenees and to the south by the Iberian System. Surface heterogeneity has grown due to the presence of human society, which has been altering the hydrological cycle and the landscape mainly through intense agricultural activity. There are 2 observation periods :

1) Long Observation Period (LOP): April through October 2021

      A network of surface energy budget (SEB) observing stations will be installed within an approximately 10 km radius centered over the Urgell and Plà d'Urgell (Lleida) region of the Ebro basin. This area is selected since it encompasses multiple representative Mediterranean land cover types, including a small lake. This location will also allow us to benefit from the dense local meteorological station and radar data from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) and the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC), along with an existing extensive observation site run by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), which includes weighing lysimeters. This network will enable us to evaluate the ability of land surface models (LSMs) to simulate fluxes, especially evapotranspiration, over irrigated sites and to contrast the fluxes with those from natural surfaces. These sites will be maintained at least through entire growing season. State-of-the-art soil moisture products [such as that from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) missions] will be combined with in situ soil moisture observations from an existing network in collaboration with the Ebro Observatory and private irrigation-monitoring companies for use in assimilation into the LSMs and/or for evaluation. Field-scale actual and potential evapotranspiration will be evaluated using two-source energy balance (TSEB) models, which combine thermal observations from Sentinel-3 satellites and optical observations from Sentinel-2 satellites.

2) Special Observation Period (SOP): July 15-30, 2021

      The SOP took place in July, when contrasts between irrigated and natural surfaces are at their maximum. The SEB stations will be complimented by additional biogeophysical measurements and trublence estimates, such as those from scintillometers. The SEB network will be complemented by extensive measurements of the lowest 4 km of the atmosphere using captive balloons, frequent radio-sounding releases, UHF wind profilers, lidars and approximately five flights by the French Office of Aircraft Instrumented for Environmental Research (SAFIRE)/ATR42 aircraft. Measured atmospheric fluxes and state variables will be used in conjunction with fully coupled, non-hydrostatic mesoscale models to study the impact of irrigation on the spatial variability of the ABL, the basin scale circulation and water budget and interactions between the irrigated and natural surfaces. In addition, high-resolution land surface temperature, solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) and surface soil moisture estimates will be aquired from instruments onboard the ATR42.

3) Intense Observation Period (IOP): Certain days/periods during the SOP

Radio Soundings (UTC):
La Cendrosa (irrigated)
Radio Soundings (UTC):
Els Plans (rainfed)
Meteorological Conditions
1156, 8-17 4-17 Clear sky, Westerly flow
2164-17 4-21 Clear sky, Westerly flow
3174-17 4-17 Clear sky, Westerly flow
4194-17 - Clear sky, Westerly flow
5204-17 4-17 Clear sky, Thermal low
6214-17 4-17, 19, 21Clear sky, Thermal low
7224-17 4-17, 19, 21Clear sky, Thermal low
10274-17, 214-21 Clear sky, Anticyclonic
(taken from Brooke et al., 2023).

  1. ATR42 turbulence measurements up to approximately 3 km
  2. 4 transects below the ABL height, 1 above
  3. measurements from approximately 12–15h local (when the ABL depth change is relatively small)
  4. Same configuration and timing (if possible) for each of the 5 flight days
  5. Golden days are ideally characterized by clear calm weather. Generally there are westerlies in summer, and there is possibly a (generally weak) sea breeze effect late in the day
  6. If additional flight time is available, we will make additional transects crossing from the irrigated to the non-irrigated zone at several heights
  7. soil moisture (GLORI) and SIF (HyPlant) at 1150m will have a comb pattern for a full footprint over the zone

The main study (corresponding to the field campaign) within the Ebro basin is indicated in the image from Google maps below. The base of operations for the campain will be at IRTA in Mollerussa. The focal point of the campaign is the transition between irrigated and rainfed areas NW and SE of the transition zone running roughly SW to NE through Bellpuig.

Campaign Progress

Some images of recent installations are provided here and will be updated as the campaign progresses.

Names and geographical positions of the platforms. Note that for Boldu, there are multiple stations and only the coordinates for an alfalfa field near the center of the network is shown here (altitudes are from Google Earth). Note that the VERDU coordinates were updated to slightly more precise values (corresponding to the EC station) on Sept. 24, 2024.

Name Latitude (deg N) Longitude (deg E) Altitude (m)
BOLDU 41.715833 0.988333 256
ELS-PLANS 41.590111 1.029363 334
IRTA-CORN 41.619079 0.875333 244
IRTA-APPLE 41.617640 0.871966 246
IRTA-ET0 41.618207 0.871924 245
IVARS-LAKE 41.682018 0.946951 230
IVARS-NORTH 41.68594 0.94592 238
IVARS-SOUTH 41.67906 0.94898 235
LA-CENDROSA 41.69336 0.92841 240
PREIXANA 41.59373 1.07250 354
VERDU 41.5967822 1.1253176 412

La Cendrosa
Update from G. Canut-Rocafort (CNRM).

A large amount of equipment was first deployed at La Cendrosa: the initial arrival of the team from CNRM. The 50m mast from CNRM has been mounted on the La Cendrosa super site. Following the experience during the SOFOG3D campaign, the mast has been modified and the ground anchoring consolidated with a strong involvement of the STAR team (CNRM). In order to document the atmospheric boundary layer during the SOP period, in addition to surface-atmosphere interactions, hourly radiosondes and tethered balloon flights will be carried out at this site. To increase our observations in terms of wind and turbulence the LISA team of CNRM/GMEI will complete the device. Finally, the Parsivel2 disdrometer from Grenoble has been installed by the U. Barcelona near the 50m mast. The current LOP installation at La Cendrosa(CNRM) is shown.

Els Plans
(installations soon)

This is a rain-fed site located in an area with natural grasses and winter cereal crops dominating the landscape. In July, the vegetation is generally dry (or harvested), and there are also considerable baresoil surfaces. The baseline instrumental setup resembles that of La Cendrosa (in the irrigated zone) in order to be able to contrast these two sites through the surface layer and into the ABL: a 50m flux tower (the same as that for La Cendrosa), UHF, and soil moisture and temperature. Additional instruments will also be installed for the SOP. This site is being mainly run by the UKMO. The UHF is provided by the Laboratoire d'Aerologie (LA). A lidar will be installed near this site, pointing northward with a swath across the transition zone between the irrigated and rain-fed zones (provided by LMD). Finally, a similar frequent radio-sounding release strategy is also planned for the SOP. More specific details will be provided soon once the insallation is complete.

Update from G. Canut-Rocafort (CNRM).

Two meteorological stations have recently been installed at Ivars lake by the 4M team from CNRM. The goal is to provide screen-level meteorological measurements during the LOP over the land adjacent to the lake at two locations which are localted on opposite side of the lake in proximity to the scintillometers (which are to be deployed by WUR for the SOP). The floating EC station has been successfully installed by CNRM which will give flux measurements over the lake to be compared with thoise derived from scintillometry. In additon, there are lake water temperature measurements at depths of 5, 10, 30, 50, 100, and 150 cm (lake bottom).

Almond Grove
Update from G. Canut-Rocafort (CNRM).

A surface energy balance (SEB) station was recently installed within a drip-irrigated almond tree grove near Preixana. The measurement of the turbulent fluxes is done from the top of a scaffolding in order to be positioned 2m above the trees. The system is complemented by soil temperature and moisture measurements.

Mollerussa (IRTA)
Update from D. Martínez-Villagrasa (UIB).

The Mollerussa site of LIAISE is located at the IRTA experimental facility, south-west of the town, and contains two weighing lysimeters over an apple orchard. This agricultural plot is drip irrigated with the tree rows oriented approximately along a north-south line. The University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) is responsible for mounting a surface energy balance (SEB) station over the western weighing lysimeter.

During the days of 24-26 March 2021, the first installation phase was conducted. An UIB team (Belén Martí and Daniel Martínez-Villagrasa) set up the 6-m tower with the aid of the IRTA staff and installed the soil kit part of the station. Two sets of soil sensors were deployed approximately 20 cm to the west and 40 cm to the east of the irrigation line, each consisting in temperature measurements at 1.5, 5 and 8 cm deep from the surface and a heat flux plate (HFP01, Hukseflux) and a water content reflectometer (CS650, Campbell Sci.) at 8 cm. In addition, the western set contains temperature measurements at 17 and 23 cm, together with a heat flux plate and a water content reflectometer at the deeper level. The objective of these measurements are to monitor the upper soil characteristics of the tree row. These sensors are currently running and the data can be monitored remotely. The aerial part of the station is planned to be installed at the beginning of May. The Eddy-covariance system within an irrigated orchard over a weighing lysemeter (UIB, SMC, IRTA : Image by Belén Martí, UIB).

An automatic weather station from the network of the Catalan Meteorological Service (SMC) is maintained a few meters north of the apple orchard. For the LIAISE campaign this institution has installed a complete SEB station over a well irrigated grass surface to monitor the ET0, together with a RASS-Sodar (WindRASS, Scintec) that provides vertical profiles of the wind and virtual temperature between 40 and 300 m above the ground. Both devices are running since the week of 5-9 April 2021.

Irrigated Vineyard
Update from M. Le Page (CESBIO)

A surface energy balance system has been installed over a vineyard near the town of Verdù within the framework of the ESA WineEO project and the HILIAISE-ANR project. F. Granouillac and B. Lemaire (CESBIO) installed the vineyard experiment between 30/03/21 and 31/02/21.

The objective of this experiment is to provide fluxes, vegetation and soil moisture measurements for use in an improved version of the FAO56 model for rank tree crops (ESA WineEO project). It will also complement the LOP flux measurements over the Urgell region for the LIAISE project (by adding fluxes for another unique land cover type). The vineyard is approximately 25 years old, which was originally not irrigated: drip irrigation was installed only three years ago. The row spacing is 4 meters. The vine canopy is guided vertically at a height of about 2 meters. There is no vegetation cover on the inter-row. The soil is very shallow (about 50 cm) and stony. The monitoring system is composed of a Campbell-Scientific IRGASON (H2O and C fluxes), an Apogee 4 bands net radiometer, three soil heat flux plates, two SKYE NDVI sensors, three DeltaT ML2x soil moisture sensors (5, 20 and 40 cm) on the row and one surface soil moisture sensor on the inter-row. Three weather variables are also monitored: rainfall, temperature and relative humidity. The experiment will be completed by mid April with an optical camera for vegetation porosity and IRT Cameras. This system will hopefully be maintained in place until the harvest in September. The experiment, will be supported by a weekly field survey of soil moisture and vegetation porosity. A webpage has been setup at CESBIO by P. Fanise for the raw data monitoring.

Soil Moisture Network
Update from M. Le Page (CESBIO)

A network of soil moisture sensors has been installed over different crops at Prat de Boldù. The installation is carried on in the framework of the ESA Irrigation+ project and the HILIAISE-ANR project. P. Fanise, M. Le Page (CESBIO) installed the soil moisture network between 30/03/21 and 01/04/21, together with D. Tous de Moner of SAF-Sampling.

The goal of this experiment is multi-purpose: 1st, to test an innovative low-cost network designed at CESBIO, 2nd, to provide validation data for the estimation of soil moisture by the GLORI remote sensing instrument, the Sentinel-1 algorithm (as a part of HILIAISE), and 3rd, to improve the CESBIO algorithm of irrigation retrieval (ESA Irrigation+ project). In agreement with the Cooperative of Ivars, a network of 2 gateways and 14 soil moisture stations has been installed at Prat de Bold&ugrace; between March 30, and April 1st 2021. The site is characterized by cereal crops (barley, wheat, maize), vegetables (peas, broccoli), fodders (alfalfa) and apple trees. The irrigation methods are gravitary irrigation, sprinkler irrigation (pivot, ramp and full cover) and drip irrigation on broccoli. The monitoring system has been designed and implemented at CESBIO. Each node is connected to a gateway by a LoRA module. Some tests on the area showed that the transmission can reach up to 3.5 kilometers if there is no topographic obstacle. The gateway is in charge of receiving and storing all the data from the nodes and to transmit to a server over the phone network. The gateway has a capacity of 16 Gb which allows a very long term storage. After several benchmarks, we have selected a low-cost Chinese sensor which has proven to provide steady and trustworthy measurements. Before installation, each sensor was calibrated against a DeltaT ML2X sensor. A soil moisture monitoring system deployed in an irrigated field. A node installed on peas (left): The logger is attached to a bamboo stick, which has the advantage to be cut in place at the right height (50 cm). A small flag helps to identify the node. The two sensors are introduced at a depth of 5 cm and 20 cm (CESBIO, SAF Sampling).

An EC station from Hohenheim University is now running since May 29th on a newly planted maize field with gravitary or flooded irrigation within the aforementioned soil moisture network zone. The high resolution flux data will be collected by SAF Sampling and transferred to U. Hohenheim postprocessing.

Campaign data near-real time quick-look images

Quick-looks of several measured near-real time surface variables can be seen on the LIAISE database website hosted and maintained by AERIS.

Operational Model Forecast support

Several operational models will provide output in support of the field campaign activites, and model output data for modeling studies after the campaign.

Daily Briefing Summary

Note that this is a temporary location for the briefings: they will soon be migrated to the AERIS-LIAISE site at https://liaise.aeris-data.fr/products/daily_report/

Summary for 2021/07/13

SOP UAV Flight Summary

Provided by B. Wrenger

Group UAV Sensor / Cam Location / Site Height agl / m Date Time (UTC) Product
FZJ DJI Matric 600 RGB Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-14 11:23:00 RGB orthomosaic, DSM
FZJ DJI Matric 600 Multispectral Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-14 11:23:00 Multispectral orthomosaic (10 band)
FZJ DJI Matric 600 RGB Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-19 10:25:00 RGB orthomosaic, DSM
FZJ DJI Matric 600 Multispectral Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-19 10:25:00 Multispectral orthomosaic (10 band)
FZJ DJI Matric 600 RGB Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-26 11:57:00 RGB orthomosaic, DSM
FZJ DJI Matric 600 Multispectral Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-26 11:57:00 Multispectral orthomosaic (10 band)
FZJ DJI Matric 600 RGB Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-28 10:44:00 RGB orthomosaic, DSM
FZJ DJI Matric 600 Multispectral Cam La Cendrosa Alfalfa Field 60 2021-07-28 10:44:00 Multispectral orthomosaic (10 band)
FZJ DJI Matric 600 RGB Cam Mollerussa IRTA Appel Orchard 30 2021-07-22 13:10:00 RGB orthomosaic, DSM
FZJ DJI Matric 600 Multispectral Cam Mollerussa IRTA Appel Orchard 30 2021-07-22 13:10:00 Multispectral orthomosaic (10 band)
FZJ DJI Matric 600 RGB Cam Lake Ivar (partly) 120 2021-07-27 11:30:00 RGB orthomosaic, DSM
FZJ DJI Matric 600 Multispectral Cam Lake Ivar (partly) 120 2021-07-27 11:30:00 Multispectral orthomosaic (10 band)
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-22 19:29:00 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-22 21:13:00 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-23 05:59 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-23 07:05 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-23 12:22 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-23 17:49 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-23 19:11 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-23 19:48 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-23 21:05 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 04:33 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 05:59 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 07:09 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 16:54 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 18:01 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 18:47 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 19:45 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-24 20:59 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-25 04:42 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-25 05:35 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-25 06:20 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-26 19:19 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-26 20:26 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-26 21:12 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-27 17:46 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-27 18:51 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-27 19:36 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-27 20:42 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-27 21:45 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-28 04:31 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-28 05:18 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-28 06:29 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind IRTA + corn field 120 2021-07-28 07:03 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind UK Site 120 2021-07-28 18:31 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind UK Site 120 2021-07-28 19:06 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind UK Site 120 2021-07-28 19:38 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind UK Site 120 2021-07-28 19:55 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL Q17 T, RH, wind UK Site 120 2021-07-28 20:55 profile of T, RH and wind
THOWL DJI Mavic Pro RGB-Cam Lake Ivars, Site North 20 2021-07-27 07:45:00 DEM, orthomosaic
THOWL DJI Mavic Pro RGB-Cam Lake Ivars, Site South 20 2021-07-27 08:55:00 DEM, orthomosaic
THOWL DJI Mavic Pro RGB-Cam IRTA to Mollarussa 60 2021-07-29 05:55:00 DEM, orthomosaic
THOWL DJI M210 Mapir3 Multispectral cam Verdu 60 2021-07-27 14:50:00 Vegetation Index
THOWL DJI M210 Mapir3 Multispectral cam IRTA 60 2021-07-29 11:35:00 Vegetation Index
THOWL DJI M210 X7 RGB-Cam Verdu 60 2021-07-27 14:50:00 DEM, orthomosaic
THOWL DJI M210 X7 RGB-Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-29 11:35:00 DEM, orthomosaic
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-22 18:15:00 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-22 20:34 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-22 21:39 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-23 07:56 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-23 11:30 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-23 18:12 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-23 20:18 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-23 21:27 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-24 04:54 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-24 06:33 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-24 17:23 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-24 19:11 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-24 21:16 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-25 05:03 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-25 07:05 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-26 19:40 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-27 04:25 thermal map
THOWL DJI M210 Flir Duo Pro Thermal Cam IRTA 60 2021-07-27 05:37 thermal map

SOP Radiosonde launch schedule

Provided by J. Brooke and G. Canut. Soundings were released approximately hourly, and times are given local (summertime) hour.

Date Time Period for
La Cendrosa
Time period for
Els Plans
15 July 06-17 04-17
16 July 04-17 04-21
17 July 04-17 04-17
18 July - -
19 July 04-17 -
20 July 04-17 04-17
21 July 04-17 04-17, 19, 21
22 July 04-17 04--17, 19-21
23 July - -
24 July 04-17 18, 20, 21
25 July 04-17 -
26 July 04-17 -
27 July 04-17, 21 04--21
28 July 04-17 -

SOP Flight Summary

View from the ATR42 in July 2021 looking SW across the transition between the irigated and rainfed zones several km north of Els Plans (photo by G. Canut-Rocafort).

The Flight schedule for the ATR42 is shown below. In July, local time is UTC+2 hours.

Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Provenance Destination Departure hour (loc.) Arrival time (loc.) Flight number Total (hours) Flight Plan Option (Order) Time BL1 (UTC) Time BL2 (UTC) Time BL3(UTC)
5/19/2021 LFBF LFBF 14h15 16h00 EMI + Test 1.8 TEST/Calibration
5/20/2021 LFBF LFBF 15h00 15h50 Test over Lake 0.8 TEST/Calibration
7/15/2021 LFBF LFBF 12h20 18h00 Flight n°1 5.7 TURB-SURF 11:32-12:14 12:35-13:17 13:30-14:22
7/16/2021 LFBF LFBF 12h25 17h10 Flight n°2 4.8 TURB-SURF 11:22-11:57 12:15-12:42 13:02-13:53
7/17/2021 LFBF LFBF 12h40 17h45 Flignt n°3 5.1 SURF-TURB 13:11-13-50 14:19-14:55 11:28-12:22
7/20/2021 LFBF LFBF 11h40 17h00 Flight n°4 5.3 TURB-SURF 11:17-11:58 12:14-12:54 13:00-13:54
7/21/2021 LFBF LFBF 12h20 17h05 Flight n°5 4.9 TURB-SURF 11:20-11:55 12:20-13:01 13:11-14:05
7/22/2021 LFBF LFBF 12h30 17h30 Flight n°6 5.0 SURF-TURB 14:13-14:49 13:13-13:55 11:34-12:29
7/27/2021 LFBF LFBF 12h20 17h05 Flight n°7 4.8 SURF-TURB 12:46-13:15 13:43-14:28 11:12-12:05
7/28/2021 LFBF LFBF 12h20 17h05 Flight n°8 4.8 SURF-TURB 12:52-13:30 13:45-14:27 11:14-12:07

NASA King Air

Soon available


Soon available


Provided by J. Hanus

17/07 Corn 11:00 UTC, HyPlant
19/07 AA 11:00 UTC , AA 13:00 UTC
22/07 AA 11:00 UTC, HyPlant
24/07 AA 11:00 UTC
29/07 AA 11:00 UTC , AA 13:00 UTC

Note: Corn = 41o 43' 7.27'' N, 0o 59' 4.61'' E and AA = 41o 41' 36.01'' N, 0o 55' 48.20'' E (La Cendrosa).