Land surface Interactions with
the Atmosphere
the Iberian Semi-arid
LIAISE First Workshop: Field campaign
overview and associated activities. March 8-9, 2021.
- A. Boone (CNRM):
Campaign and project update
- Fabienne Lohou and Marie Lothon (LA):
Summary of the MOSAI project (and interactions with HILIAISE).
- Volker Wolfmeyer (UH)
The GEWEX Land Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (GLAFO) and its relation to LIAISE
- Jean-Christophe Canonici, Aurelien Bourdin (SAFIRE):
Working methods for field campaigns, and an overview of the main
specific constraints due to airborne experiments
- Mehrez Zribi (CESBIO):
GLORI airborn soil moisture estimates
- Uwe Rascher (JFZ):
Measuring plant mediated C and H2O fluxes by means of fluorescence
- Yves Goulas, Valerie Le Dantec (LMD):
In situ Fluorescence in support of airborne measurements
- Guylaine Canut (CNRM), Marie Lothon (LA):
of ABL
dynamics using a combination of observations and LES
Review of UHF for Els Plans and La Cendrosa, and tethered balloons,
SEB station, windcube at La Cendrosa
- Oscar Hartogensis, Mary-Rose Mangan (WUR):
Quick overview of the NLDE-group showing how our measurements are
integrated into an overall experimental design.
- Wouter Mol (PhD), Chiel van Heerwaarden and Bert Heusinkveld:
Network of cheap multi-band radiometers
- Miriam Coenders (TUD):
Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS)
- Thomas Roeckmann, Robbert Moonen (UU)
High frequency isotope instruments to measure isotope fluxes of H2O
and CO2
- Alexander Graf (JFZ)
- Arnold Moene (WUR), Kevin van Diepen (PhD), Raquel Gonzalez (PhD), Elias Kaiser, Sarah Berman
(WUR) and Hugo de Boer (UU):
High resolution eco-physiological modeling study (Arnold)
NLDE Ecophysiology Group - The common equipment from WUR and UU
(LiCOr6400 as one of main instruments)
- Jordi Vila (WUR), Raquel Gonzalez (PhD), Kim Faassen (PhD)
Support of
experimentalists and analysis of
in-situ observations/design numerical experiments
Impact of fire above the surface and in the atmosphere: before, during and after
- Jean-Christophe Calvet:
Scale Land surface Data
Assimilation using SURFEX: LDAS-Monde
- Joan Cuxart, Maria Antonia Jiménez Cortéz, Dani Martinez Villagrasa (UIB), Jannis Groh (JFZ),
Burkhard Wrenger (TH-OWL):
Flux-gradient relationships & SBL spatial structure
Estimate u*, H, LE with the gradient method over different surfaces
and compare to EC- systems and lysimetres
Tethered balloon soundings from late afternoon well into the night to inspect the formation of
the SBL
Understanding the within-basin mesoscale circulations and the effect of the sea breeze in the
evening: Mesoscale model intercomparison.
- J. Groh ((JFZ)
- B. Martí, A. Grau, L. Conangla, D. MartÃnez-Villagrasa,
M.A. Jiménez, J. Cuxart, Jannis Groh, Burkhard Wrenger
(UIB, with Julich FZ and TH-OWL)
ET and condensation: comparison of methods and role of the mesoscale flows
- Josep Ramon Miró and Abdel Sairouni (SMC):
SMC in the LIAISE campaign: Equipment and modeling.
Concerning the equipment deployed (Windrass, SEB and AWS) and also a bit mention to
the model's intercomparison and future work.
- Joaquim Bellevert (IRTA):
Daily ET maps of the
entire region of Lleida
with S2+S3 imagery and the TSEB model (20 m
resolution) compared with estimates of ET with eddy-covariance data and using UAVs
equipped with thermal+multispectral sensors.
- Joan Bech Rustullet (UB):
Analysis of precipitation microphysical processes during LIAISE
- Lionel Jarlan (CESBIO)
An overview of CESBIO observations and activities
- Michel Le Page (CESBIO), David Tous (SAF-Sampling):
Spatially distributed surface soil moisture network for estimating irrigation.
- Oliver Branch (UH):
Energy balance measurements over semi-arid cropland
- Martin Best, Jeremy Price, Jennifer Brooke (UKMO):
Observational strategy for the Els Plans site and modelling plans at the Met Office.
- Fabien Gilbert (LMD):
Lidar at Els Plans
- Patrick Le Moigne, Guylaine Canut (CNRM):
Measurements on lake Ivars lake and modelling
- Pere Quintana (OE):
Simulation of the real
water cycle:
impacts of irrigation using a land-surface model and remote
sensing data.
- T. Lawston (U. Delaware) and J. Santanello (NASA-GSFC):
NU-WRF/LIS and irrigation modeling for LIAISE
- Stephan Kral, Joachim Reuder (U Bergen):
Anticipated UAS operations by the University of Bergen
- Edward Kim (NASA-GSFC):
surface soil moisture
estimates from the SMAP simulator SLAP
- Marc Castellnou, Cathelijne Stoof and Jordi Vila (Fire Brigade
Generalitat, WUR):
Controlled fire events
- Martin Wooster and James Johnson (Kings College, Lodon, UK):